By: Zoey Li and Francesca OpokuAmoabeng

Emergencies and disasters are constantly occurring in our everyday lives. These emergencies can be natural, technological, medical, or human-caused. We’re still facing hot temperatures, and while that means fun for family and friends, it also signals one of the most dangerous periods for fire-related casualties. During this time, it is important to have fun but also to stay safe. 

 According to various resources, fire is the most common workplace emergency. Although fire can be a natural occurrence, it happens primarily in human environments due to improper equipment handling and inadequate procedures. Fire disasters can easily be avoided by planning out careful procedures and properly informing the public.

Here are some safety tips recommended by the Red Cross that will reduce the risk of fires during the summer and beyond:

In-Home/Workplace Safety:

  1. If you have a space heater, make sure it is turned off whenever you leave the room; also, keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from flammable objects
  2. Never use an oven to warm a room
  3. Turn off and unplug electrical equipment when it is not being used; avoid overfilling outlets
  4. Make sure electrical wiring is not near any rugs, attached to nails, etc.
  5. Distinguish any cigarettes and candles properly; avoid smoking in bed or leaving burning candles unattended
  6. Never leave cooking equipment unattended- keep these items away from combustible products like washcloths, paper towels, etc.
  7. Install smoke alarms and make sure to replace the battery every 6 months
  8. Create an escape plan for your family, detailing the specific routes and tools (smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, fire escape ladders, emergency cell phones, etc.) that will be used in an emergency 

Outdoor Safety: 

  1. When using a grill, keep an eye on the grill and make sure to clean it after each use to prevent grease fires
  2. Build campfires at least 25 feet away from tents, shrubs, and other flammable objects; make sure to properly distinguish the fire
  3. Keep matches and lighters out of children’s reach
  4. Do not use fireworks on your own lawn- they can reach high temperatures and cause severe burns
  5. Keep vehicles off of dry grass
  6. Do not leave cigarettes on the ground and properly dispose of them- although they appear to be out, they may spark and cause a fire
  7. Never burn anything other than wood for a fire